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Showing posts from July, 2016

Configure your .com website on Apache Server

If you want to run your website from an Apache2 server  and make it available from , you can follow these steps: 1) Go to /var/www/ and copy the root directory of yourproject (or clone the repository from Git). 2) Create a new file on /etc/apache2/sites-available/ named .conf with this content:     <VirtualHost *:80>         DocumentRoot "/var/www/ yourproject "         ServerName www.         ServerAlias     </VirtualHost> 3) Activate the website with the command: sudo a2ensite 4) Find your public IP with the command: sudo ifconfig (it should appear as innet_addr ) 5) From your domain management site, edit the A DNS record for ' @ ', pointing now to your public IP address 6) From your domain management site, edit the CNAME DNS record for ' www ', pointing now too ' @ ' 7) Wait a couple o...

How to allow MySQL remote connections

If you have a MySQL database running on your server, and you want it to accept remote connections, you have to follow these steps: 1) Allow MySQL to listen to all interfaces (default is the loopback interface only): sudo vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf You replace this statement: bind-address            = by this one: bind-address            = 0 .0.0.0 2) Create a new database use with all privileges granted (you shouldn't allow remote connections with the root user): mysql -u root -p -h mysql> CREATE USER ' yourusername '@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ' yourpassword '; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ' yourusername '@'localhost'  WITH GRANT OPTION; mysql> CREATE USER ' yourusername '@'%' IDENTIFIED BY ' yourpassword '; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ' yourusername '@'%'  WITH GRANT OPTION; 3) Test the connection from a different network (make sure ...

Big Data and Ethics

Big Data is not precisely a new trend, but the latest advances in computing capacity have set the stage for its rise. The hype and the reality of these new developments raise ethical issues that demand deliberation. I came across an interesting white paper titled Perspectives of Big Data, Ethics, and Society , by the Council for Big Data, Ethics, and Society , that raises concerns about the obsolescence of the Common Rule (rule of ethics regarding research involving human subjects). The Common Rule assumes that research methods using existing public datasets have no risk to individual human subjects. However, new data science techniques can create composite pictures of persons from different datasets that might be innocuous on their own but produce highly sensitive personal insights when combined . Since the informed consent occurs at the point of collection, before any data is used, it is not always possible to explain to the subject all the risks that the uses of his data...