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How to change a post thumbnail in Blogger

If you have ever published a post on Blogger with more than one image on it, you might know that the featured image  (also called post thumbnail ) that is displayed in your blog's landing page is always the first image in the post. Blogger does not provide an editor tool to change this thumbnail. However, there is a workaround that will enable you to set the image you want. Find the Image URL. You can do this by right-clicking on an image of your choice from your browser and selecting Copy image address . Note that it can be any image that is publicly available on the Internet, not only from your post. Changing your post HTML code. From Blogger editor tool, click on the pencil, then select HTML view . Add the following line at the very start of your HTML code: <img src=" " style="display:none;"/> where the URL in red is the one you copied in step 1. Click on Publish . That's it! The chosen image will be displayed as

How to schedule a message in Microsoft Teams

In 2021 I wrote an article [1] about the importance of scheduling your work emails and positive impact that this action has in your productivity and in the wellbeing of your email recipients. At that time I wished it was possible to schedule messages on Microsoft Teams as well, since I often choose to work at unusual hours and I do not want to disturb anyone that has push notifications enabled. I even used to write my Teams messages anytime but waited until 08:00 the next morning before clicking  Send . Fortunately, after a long wait [2]  it is finally possible to schedule messages in Microsoft Teams,  although you need to enable this option first and it is not that easy to find. Here is how you do it. 1) Open Microsoft Teams in the desktop app or in the browser. Click on Apps . 2) Click on Workflows. 3)  Find an app called  Schedule a message and click on it. 4)  Click on Sign In. 5)  Click on  Sign In and then on Add Workflow. 6)  The workflow will be added. Click on Done. Let

Negociaciones "win-win" desterrando la palabra "exigir" de tu vocabulario

Si hay una palabra que detesto del idioma castellano, esa es exigir . En mi recorrido diario por la prensa española encuentro numerosos titulares que, utilizando ese verbo, retratan un conflicto polarizado entre dos (o más) partes. Este patrón se repite en todo tipo de desacuerdos, desde laborales a políticos y diplomáticos.  La Real Academia Española define exigir  como " pedir imperiosamente algo a lo que se tiene derecho " y, sin deslegitimar ese derecho, suele ser contraproducente utilizar esa palabra en una negociación, al menos como posición de partida. La razón es que cuando una parte exige  algo a otra parte siempre habrá un vencedor y un vencido , y la parte que recibe la exigencia suele adoptar una posición defensiva en la que los propios egos se convierten en los principales obstáculos de la negociación. Pongamos como ejemplo esta noticia: UGT exige al Gobierno central y las CC.AA. que trabajen por un plan forestal unificado para toda España  [El Español, 23/08/

Temario del curso "Startup Innovation Lab"

En 2017 publiqué, en el marco del curso Startup Innovation Lab , este vídeo explicando el Lean Canvas en español usando Spotify como ejemplo ilustrativo.  Me ha sorprendido muy gratamente comprobar que, cinco a ñ os después, el vídeo se acerca a las 100.000 reproducciones. Algunas personas me han escrito preguntando dónde pueden acceder al resto de materiales del curso. El curso ya no se imparte, pero he decidido publicar el temario completo en PDF por si fuese de utilidad. En total son 10 módulos  que cubren distintas temáticas sobre la puesta en marcha de ideas de negocio innovadoras. 1. Introducción a Lean Startup 2. Lean Canvas y Business Model Canvas 3. Métricas de Negocio 4. Estudio de Mercado 5. Producto Mínimo Viable 6. Constitución de la Empresa 7. Fuentes de Financiación 8. Modelo de Ingresos y Plan Financiero 9. Plan de Negocio 10. Pitch de Presentación del Negocio Tengan en cuenta que este contenido no ha sido actualizado desde su creación en 2017 y se ofrece si

How to disable cookies on Google Analytics so that you don't need a consent banner

The integration of Google Analytics into a website or blog is not GDPR-compliant by default . You must first obtain explicit consent of the end-users to store cookies, describing in your privacy policy how you intend to use collected personal data. This is the reason why most websites nowadays display an annoying (but necessary) consent banner. If you fail to do so or if you only ask for implicit consent, you are at risk of being fined. However, it is possible to disable cookies on Google Analytics (GA) respecting end-users privacy, so that you don't need to ask for consent. The downside is that you will not be able to distinguish the type of user (unique vs new vs returning) and you will miss some session insights. If these details are not relevant for you, here is how you do it. Disable Google Analytics cookies on a custom website If you have a custom website with full access to the source code, you can simply insert the script below between the <head>  and </head>

Microsoft will soon launch a feature to schedule chat messages on Teams

In 2021 I wrote an article  where I shared why I started scheduling my emails and the positive impact this easy action has had on the wellbeing of the recipients and on my own work-life balance . However, one of my frustrations is that, as of today, it is not possible to schedule chat messages or posts on Microsoft Teams. Have you ever received a push notification on a Friday evening  from a non-urgent message that could have easily waited until Monday? Yes, you know what I am talking about! The good news is that Microsoft is currently working on this feature, and it is expected to be released in July 2022 , as we can see on Microsoft's roadmap . It was back in June 2019 when this useful functionality was first proposed on Microsoft Tech Community . It soon gained many supporters that pushed it through the approval channels. I can't wait to start using this!

Getting a ReactJS app approved on Adsense

I developed a memory game called Kobadoo as a Single-Page Application (SPA) using ReactJS. Since the very beginning I tried to monetize the game by displaying ads, but it was not that easy.  Despite the good traffic Kobadoo had, all my applications to Adsense were consistently rejected by Google with the cryptic argument " Valuable Inventory: No content ".  My first guess was that the landing page needed even more text . I had at that time two or three paragraphs describing the game, and I ended up adding two more with the hope that it would help Adsense find better contextual ads. However, this change made no effect and the application was rejected again. Then, after reading some articles stating the poor SEO performance of ReactJS applications, I decided to implement Server-Side Rendering (SSR) with NextJS , which is a proven technique to rank better on search engines. Sadly, Google rejected once again my application with the same explanation. Disappointed, I decided to us

How to fix the "earnings at risk" error and ads.txt issues on Adsense?

When I started using Adsense I was shocked that, after a few days with decent revenue, it suddenly dropped to 0. I had previously followed the steps to upload the right ads.txt file to my root domain, and I could see it by opening https:// . After waiting for a week with the annoying message " Earnings at risk " being displayed and zero earnings, I figured out what the problem actually was. I was able to access ads.txt , but Google bots weren't. My robots.txt file had this content:     User-agent: *     Allow: /index.html     Disallow: / I changed it to the one below, and after a few hours the error message disappeared and the earnings came back to normal.     User-agent: *     Allow: /