I was exploring different load testing tools in order to make sure that the Ethics Canvas platform would resist peaks of up to 100 users signing in every 10 seconds , when I came across Apache JMeter . JMeter is a robust Java-based open-source tool that allows users to test performance both on webservices, web dynamic languages, Java Objects, databases and queries, FTP servers, etc. Running JMeter (Linux): Download Apache JMeter Extract the content from the compressed file From the Terminal, navigate into the apache-jmeter/bin Type ./jmeter and it will open the Java app (make sure you have Java installed) Running load tests on Ethics Canvas: Right-click on Test Plan -> Add -> Threads -> Thread Group On Number of Threads we enter the desired number of users: 100 On Ramp-Up Period we enter the desired test duration: 10 Right-click on Thread Group -> Add -> Sampler -> HTTP Request On Server Name we type ethicscanvas.org On Path